First Post
Legal Issues, Compassion, Focus, Brain Injuries, Federal Service Dog Etiquette, Crafts and Active Meditation
What a great way to start!
As times passes you will see me talking about a variety of topics. Hopefully we will have meaningful dialogues and both our minds and hearts will be expanded as a result.
1. Why this, why now
We all have a voice. This is my chance to share my voice with you.
2. What kind of community am I looking to build
My tribe, community, people with whom I wish to associate are kind and compassionate first and foremost. We seek intelligent conversations with kind solutions that move people to be kinder.
3. Specifically
I believe that love will win out - not the hate and low vibrations that seem to be permeating my television right now. I’m tired of investigations that push off real accountability and “abundance” of caution. Caution is enough.
Accountability and unblinding ourselves with, “this isn’t who we are” as we watch, hear, and experience that this is EXACTLY as we are is a cognitive dissonance I wish to obliterate.